Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fitness Blog for Strength

Today I will be reviewing the blog of the person that popularized the 5x5 workout.  The author that fueled this cultural trend goes by the name Mehdi, and he has the strength to back up his program.  His blog can be found at this link.  Mehdi has incredible blogs because he shows that strength is added overtime, not overnight.  The program of 5x5 starts low, and it consists of progressive overload every week. 
StrongLifts 5x5 workout
 For example, you may start by bench pressing the bar for 5 reps and the following week you may add 5 lbs.  This is done until your progress slows, then you are to either deload or start a new program.  5x5 is a great starter program because it teaches you to use proper form as it starts with low weight.  The 5x5 workout consists of a few main exercises, namely: the squat, deadlift, bench press, bent over row, and overhead press.  The workout is as it sounds, you will perform 5 sets for 5 reps, which results in 25 reps.  The workout is only 3 days a week, and you will perform three of the above workouts every workout.  This makes the workout extremely quick, usually lasting only 45 minutes.  The squat is performed every workout as it is not taxing on the central nervous system, unlike the deadlift.  The deadlift will be performed once per week.  This is a great beginners workout and it can significantly improve your strength in a short time period as it concentrates completely on compound lifts.  This will increase growth hormone, making your entire body strong.  This workout can also be shown on Mehdi's Youtube channel.

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